









今からでもきっと遅くないとよく人は言うけど、私の場合 学びたい事がたくさんありすぎてどこからはじめればいいのかわからない。




There's something I've wanted to write about for a couple of days.
I haven't been able to bring myself to writing about it. It brought me a great depression and unbearable feelings and I am having very difficult time dealing with it.

I knew though, I must keep a record of this special yet very sad day somehow.
I feel like all I can do now is to acknowledge her death and accept it and I will remember her as long as I live to pass down her story onto my decendents.

My beloved grandmother, Aiko 愛子 died on October, 12th 2007 at 6:25pm.

She was living in Niigata prefecture, which is in the nothern part of Japan. She was born in May 19th, 1923 (Taisho12)in Chiba, and grew up in Itabashi, Tokyo. She had experienced both the great Kanto earthquake and the Niigata earthquakes. She lived through WWll and often told me about the air raids. She was married to Toyosu who was a Navy pilot (b. March 5. 1915, Taisho4 - d. 2004) of Niigata when she was 18 years old. They had 3 girls and 3 boys and she was my mother's mother and my mother was their 3rd child. Since my father's mother was already deceased when I was born, grandmother Aiko was the only grandmother I have ever known.

All my life, I have been living quite distance from her. Between living in Tokyo and in the USA, the distance from whichever were far enough for me to not see her so often.
Now she is gone from this world and the confirmation of her death by my mother's mail brings me the realization that I will never to see my grandmother again. I hardly understand how to consolidate my sense of loss, disappointment, and regret. The sense of loss is greater than I imagined, I am regretting because I am so far from her and not being able to say "goodbye" for the last time.
Tears well up in my eyes at ramdom hours.

Will I ever be able to move on?
What does it mean to move on?
My physical life here is moving forth. I will wake up tomorrow and I will have another day.
But I just feel so empty, all my emotion has been evaporated into thin and colorless air so that I can't seem to get a grip on it.
It feels like I have a huge hole in my heart and that my body is moving involuntarily without my soul.

My only consolation for now is to think for her... she is with my grandfather finally and that is where she wanted to be since my grandfather's death 3 years ago. I believed she lived her life fully and I know now she will be always watching over me.

I wish she will rest in peace with her loved ones forever.


food for thought

朝 窓から差し込む温かい光を浴びながら、




影 (shadow),
反映 (reflection)
層(layers) over lapped times=past, present, future, co-existence
things that are left to be reminded...
maybe something like carcass?
it might be drier than that.










It's been a while...
both adding a new entry to my blog and being muddy.

My hair, arms, and the bottom of my pants are covered with splashed clay chunks and I feel great!!
I'd been away from playing with clay for a while and tonight was my first ceramic class since last April.
Although I had occasional wedging practice with biscuit dough, officially it's already been 5 months since the last time I even felt clay.
I made sure my husband knew my classes would begin tonight by reminding him almost everyday so he wouldn't make any plans on wednesdays. I was counting the days and hours to go to the class.

I was exhilarated (and still am) and simultanously nervous and scared because I knew I had to face the fact my skill in ceramics must have been detoriated. Not to mention the last time I made anything on the wheel was in college and it was quite a long ago.

There were 8 of us in my class and they were all women of various age groups. They are nice and some of them were very chatty which emphasized an idea of the community art class atmosphere and created a very friendly environment. The class is titled as "beginning wheel" but my instructor basically let everyone have their own time and pace. There was no set of assignments or objective goals for the class like my other classes in Tokyo. So there were some people that were making 3-4 bowls already while the others were still struggling to center their chunk of clay on the wheel.

It took me 2 bowls to center the clay on the wheel. From distractions or unbalanced forces put by my hands, the clay would go back to a wobbly motion. The combination of the right amount of force and concentration I can achieve the instant moment of ultimate centering. It is the most quiet moment physically and mentally and right at the moment I have to let my hands go...

It seemed to me, once this quiet moment is acheived I can't keep from putting my hands on the clay to maintain the centering. But if I overdo this process it leads me to elsewhere. I lose the balance and then the clay and I begin to battle like a whirlpool.
There is no hope in fixing the clay at that point so I can only reset my mind and re-start the whole process over again.

It sounds really banal of me to say "I am working with clay as if it is some sort of a live creature, moving the clay gently with my fingers and palms."

But it's obvious to me that I have learned from my experience tonight and tonight's experience reassured me that I can't always fix things forcefully. I think working with clay is teaching me to work in consolidation not only with clay but also with other things in my life. (at least this practice is a good reminder of that)

There is so much more to learn about myself in relation to the world I live. Learning about myself through art making is the most invigorating activity that I've known.

So, it seems like wednesdays are going to be my favorite day of the week for a while.


tour de Savannah

Shannon's mom and aunt came to visit us for a while so we were able to go to the tour of Savannah again. This time we got to see many OLD things like old houses, cemeteries and we even got to go on a ghost tour.
It was so much fun and very interesting to see all the beautifully preserved houses. We were running all over the city and eating alot of tasty food for the last 4 days. I feel I just can't get enough of it!!
Having 2 wild ladies with an unexpected amount of energy was like a bright light in the house. Tonight our apartment is quiet again... maybe it is too quite, which makes me miss them.



Sorrel-Weed House, during our Ghost tour we stopped to visit (supposely haunted) Sorrel-Weed House.


this is Owens-Thomas House

Colonial Park Cemetery... is where some of the yellow fever epidemic victims were buried. There were so many dead from the epidemic that nobody seems to be able to identify where they were buried so instead their tombstones were placed along the brick wall.

And of course, The River street for famous PRALINES!!








this is Savannah pt.2

私の見るサバナの町並み パート2です。


The clouds in the sky are shaping into the form of cotton candy. Although I can't reach them, they are really fluffy and puffy and remind me of the autumn sky. It's hard to realize it's almost september and already half of 2007 has gone.


this is Savannah pt.1


near the River street, downtown.
奥に見えるのがSavannah Riverです。

Cobblestone street.... 石畳の道路.


Old Fort Jackson


そんな事を考えたり、意図的に考えなかったりしながら, 実は私達, ちゃっかり観光はしてるんです。今回はタイトルにもあるように "Fort Jackson"に行ってきました。Fort Jacksonは家から多分, 車で10~15分の所にある古い砦(要塞)です。そしてジョージア州に残っているレンガ造りの要塞では一番古いらしいです。1808年にサバナを敵軍から守るために施工され、アメリカ独立戦争時には "Mud Fort"と呼ばれていたそうです。そして南北戦争時にはシャーマン率いる北軍に占領されるまでがサバナ南部連合軍の本部の一つとして使用されていたらしいです。


Welcome to GA, again

It's been about 2 weeks since we moved to Savannah, GA. Since then we've explored around the town a bit, finding out all the necessary stores such as grocery stores, DIY, bookstores, oriental food stores( can't live without one!!) and of course a place to get some good ole nibbles. And we went to Tybee Beach so many times now to check the Atlantic coast but not so much around the rest of our neighbor towns. So today we hopped in the car and drove across into South Carolina to Hilton Head.
Unfortunately I did not take any pictures in Hilton Head because there wasn't anything remarkable to take a picture of. So on the way back, and half feeling guilty for myself not finding any photo-opportunity, I sort of brought myself to take a picture of the bridge which connects between South Carolina and Georgia.

It is a quite steep hill from the distance...




(Apartment in San Francisco)


(Apartment in Savannah, GA)


atlas return pt.3

somewhere near the Arizona border in New Mexico

The Texas border sign that I took a picure of on the way to CA was not clear because of the rain. So here is another it's much better.

the view of Memphis from Arkansas side

Finally we were back in Tennessee!!

atlas return pt.2

Mojave 砂漠通過中にガソリンライトが点灯してしまった。慌ててトラックのオーナーズマニュアルを読んでガソリンライト点灯時点でどのくらいのガソリンが残ってるのか調べようと思ってもそんな事はいっさいマニュアルには記載されてない。ロードマップを見ても次の町の印までどうやら40miles以上はある。次の町に着いたからってここは飽くまでも根底的に砂漠の中だしその町にガソリンスタンドがある保証はない。私の座っていた助手席からはもちろんガスゲージは見えない。「なんでこうなる前に給油しにガソリンスタンドに止まんなかったの!!」という思いがこみ上げてきた。いかん、完璧に彼に八つ当たりの体制にはいっている。そんな私の葛藤も知らず隣で一生懸命運転している彼はこの深刻な状況に対して平穏。「もしガス欠になったら、面倒だし時間も食っちゃうけど車を台車から降ろしてガソリンスタンド探すしかないね」なんて言い出し、静かにエアコンのスイッチに手を延ばして消した。これはガソリン確保の体制に入ってる!あいつもヤバいとおもってるんだなっと悟る。そしてジンジンと暑くなってくる車内と私の頭。これじゃまるで「U-turn」じゃない!と思いあの映画の中の過酷な風景が頭のなかに蘇る。


世の中そんなに甘くない!さすが砂漠のガソリンスタンド 1gallon=約$4.50. Regularでも$4.399





atlas return pt.1

There were many things that I intended to do with this blog and having to post daily events in chronological order was one of things on my list. But most of the other things i wanted to include in my blog have been untouched. I am just updating on our whereabouts...

After about a month of staying in our new home in San Francisco something came up and we decided to leave San Francisco.
So here we go again tirelessly getting back in the truck heading to Dickson, Tennessee. I was so thrilled about our 4th time crossing America, but honestly the thought of our 5th trip was wearing me out and I think we had had a enough of road trips for a while...

Here are some pictures that I took along the way back to Tennessee.
We left San Francisco on the 9th of July and got to Dickson, Tennessee at 2:00pm on the 11th of July. We crossed the country (actually Shannon did but I was a good co-pilot) in about 2 and a half days.

Leaving San Francisco, we took I-80 (crossing the Bay Bridge) towards Oakland.

familiar views?


atlas pt.12 (CA-58 to I-5)

San Luis Reservoir
We knew we could have made our way to San Francisco on our third day, but since we had to go to the realtor to get our keys by 5 pm, we stayed one more nights at a place called Gilroy (the garlic town).

We reached Gilroy at 3:36pm

The last day of our cross America Trip... Day 4

The next day we left Gilroy at around 8:26 am. We had a rather late start because we knew we had only a few miles to go to San Francisco.
Our trip was finally coming to an end. It was kind of sad being done with our moving trip and knowing the end of the move means looking for a job. But I was sure Shannon was excited to not have to get back in the truck since he drove us all the way to San Francisco.

And finally, we got to our new home in San Francisco around 11:00am (June 15, 2007)