Every time we went through big cities I attempted to take a good picture or at least the picture that somewhat represented my first reaction of those cities. But I had not had any success in doing this... and here is another attempt. So bad...

This was shot in Albuquerque... and it was 11:45am. All my remembrance of Albuquerque is that the city was painted with colors of sandy pink and turquoise blue. Even the side of freeway over passes were painted with those colors and the warm sandy pink vibrated against the clear blue sky... a feeling of heat outside of the window was so intensified by the colors.
This is Rio Grande...

I had an image of the Rio Grande being such a titanically big river...Maybe from the impression of the sound? Perhaps it used to be bigger? Until this point of our trip, I could not count how many traces of rivers along the road I had seen. How long those river had been without any drops of water I could not detect. But everytime we went across those river beds on the surface of the earth, I was reminded of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth". The GLOBAL WARMING is real and it is drying up our land. What can I possibly do?
The documentary provided me with very important knowledge about this problem. But since the time I witnessed that evidence of former rivers I have been realizing the degree of the problem was much more serious.

The road with the white bridge was the Historic ROUTE 66... Yes it still exists partially and we could see old vacant gas stations here and there which seemed to be along the route.

We began to see rocky mountains all along the sides of the road... we were approaching the Arizona state border.