Last night Grand Pa Tony passed away,
he was 91 and 10 month old.
Lucy & Ozzy


でもそんな違和感もやはり2週間も経つと薄れてきて、パグも私達もこの共同生活にも慣れてきた。朝はパグのキス攻撃で起こされ、昼には外に遊びにいき、そして夜は一緒に寝る。どこに行くにもついてくるし、パグを家において買い物やちょっと出かけようとすると泣き出すし、世話がやける2匹に私の自由時間はすっかり奪われてしまっていても、奴らの愛くるしさにやっぱり面倒を見てしまい、かまったりしてlucyとOzzyのことを優先してしまう。そんな私もついに「Dog Person」になってしまったようです。

Lazy Lucyはいつもこんな感じ。2週間前のLucyはサバナの温かさに少し歩くだけで「ヒーヒー」いって階段も登れない状態だったんだけど、毎日の散歩の効果が出たらしく最近は先頭たって歩き回るし、階段も走って登れるぐらい活動的になりました。

Baby Ozzy はとっても甘えん坊の臆病で、
Last year he gave me a box of See's candy and they are my favorite chocolate.
I wasn't expecting anything from him so it turned out to be such a surprise valentine's day gift.
This year, again I saw no signs of his plans or preparations for valentine's day. He even seemed not care about it at all and I was so pre-occupied with ceramics that I even forgot all about valentine's day.
So when I came home from ceramic class and found a piece of chocolate cake with 4 red hearts on my table I was so thrilled.
He does make these unpredictable moves so crafty that I am always intrigued and excited!!
And this cake was so rich and sooooooooooo good!!
I wasn't expecting anything from him so it turned out to be such a surprise valentine's day gift.
This year, again I saw no signs of his plans or preparations for valentine's day. He even seemed not care about it at all and I was so pre-occupied with ceramics that I even forgot all about valentine's day.
So when I came home from ceramic class and found a piece of chocolate cake with 4 red hearts on my table I was so thrilled.
He does make these unpredictable moves so crafty that I am always intrigued and excited!!
And this cake was so rich and sooooooooooo good!!

Maury's daycare
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