
nearly end of March

Shannon is in Dallas since last Thursday and I decided to finish all my weekend house chores by Friday so that I can be productive for myself on Saturday. My plan seemed thought out until rain comes down, and thundering. TV is constantly beeping about tornado warning area and a new development on flood warning... not to mention it looks so gloomy outside.

I lingered around in a house and procrastinated to get ready to start my day, Oh, no its already 3 pm.
what a waist of the day. But I guess that's OK, and I am telling myself I needed it. Maybe all the work from weekday has its toll on me. Perhaps this is a sign of aging? But wait, what did I do anyway? If I told so to my DAD he would laugh at me feeling a bit pathetic of me.

Then I remembered that I've been abandoning updating my blog and need to clean up my camera.
So here comes,
This one is when we had snow... I think it was on March 2nd

Then the following weekend we went for a bike ride on the Sliver Comet Trail. This trail runs from Georgia to Alabama and to get to Alabama I think we had to go about 60 miles or so.
We only went about 20 miles that day and my both legs were sore that I felt so good. Maybe someday we can travel to Alabama by bikes... Maybe?

gotta be careful, even a snake gets run over.


So here it is.










P.S. あのころのしえは、なぜかお婆ちゃんのニオイがしました。

Yes I did it too.