This blog update is becoming similar to our actual trip... too long!! I have to hurry up to get to the next state. Anyway, I shot about 150 pictures during the trip, but they turned out to be all the same. Is it because the landscape became flat and started look all the same? Or is it just because it was pretty difficult to come up with interesting view points from where I was buckled down in the passenger seat?
Texas Border at 7:00pm. It was rainning here that I almost miss the border sign...
From the Texas Border, we drove a little bit longer. We didn't mean to drive so much the first day... it was just that we couldn't find anywhere to stay for the night until we got to Amarillo, TX. We checked into the hotel at 9:30pm. We had gone 902 miles... お疲れさま。
Day 1: Dickson, TN - Amarillo, TX ( テネシー、ディクソンからテキサス、アマリロまで約902 miles)