I cannot wait... I was going to wait until tomorrow to continue my story. But I JUST CANNOT WAIT!! I am so hooked on this blog thing and there are so many things that I feel like I want to tell... so here I am, but where was I? Right, Arkansas.
Arkansasの風景はTennesseeとそんなに変化がないのでstate borderの表札がなかったら州が変わったことも判らないかも。でもそれは日本でも同じ事か?東京都近辺しか思いつかないけど、日本の県境も川を節目に区切られてる事が多くあるのかも。こんなとき地図が無性に見たくなる。でも私はこの州境に何を期待してたんだろう?国境を越えた訳でもないのにと思いながらも、やっぱり1州でもクリアしたことに嬉しくなる。
Arkansas was much flatter than Tenessee and the roads were getting rough. It was much harder for me to keep my diary in the running truck because of the rough roads. So I looked out of the window, I began to see a color of yellow in the field...
We passed through Little Rock at 11:55am. It seemed to me that Little Rock was located in a hilly area of the state. I saw so many houses on the hills and we were surrounded by ROCKS ROCKS ROCKS!!
Oklahoma Border at 2:00pm. It is 178miles to Oklahoma City...
passing through Oklahoma City at 5:00pm, Memphisみたいだけど...
オークラホマ シティです。
It looks very fun!
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